about me.

Starting out in online education, I had the opportunity to lead a broad range of business and academic operations, including education marketing, CRM, enrollment management, education finance, and curricular and program design and development.

Known as a creative thinker who approaches questions and challenges from unique angles, I combine my experience with analytical skills to help my clients discover strategies that will allow them to distinguish themselves within their competitive space.

Throughout my consulting career, I have worked with numerous higher education institutions and non-profit organizations, assisting them in overcoming specific challenges and providing them with roadmaps to guide them toward their desired future state.

Client Testimonies


  • Organizations don’t just run on good strategy. They must develop systems, policies, processes, and secure a variety of other resources to build strength and resilience. The Organizational Capacity Analysis evaluates eight key factors associated with organizational capacity, as well as evaluating institutional communications.

  • ISpecifically focused on educational institutions that utilize recruitment and/or sales to build enrollment, the enrollment assessment evaluates admissions funnel data, as well as recruitment procedures. Through an analysis of available data, interviews with front-line staff and, product analyses, recommendations are made to guide clients toward stronger enrollment management practices.

  • Developing viable products involves “fit” within an organization. The Product, Program, and Curricula Evaluation offers clients the opportunity to gain insight into the product and program offerings based on a variety of factors deemed relevant during the initial phase of the consulting engagement.

  • Developing young leaders is crucial to ensuring a strong organization. Coaching is generally done one-on-one or in small groups for a set period of time. Goals for the coaching are determined at the outset with tailored activities put in place to build ledership capacity.

 contact me.

  • jspencer5510@gmail.com